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We're always happy to hear from our readers! Sports handicapping and betting has so many facets and variables. Whether you're a novice sports bettor who is having a hard time trying to figure out how point spreads work or a seasoned pro who can't seem to figure out why line movement is happening on a particular game, we're here to help!

Many sports bettors are on the fence about which side to take on a game. We generally have a take on every game in every sport, with exception to hockey/tennis. We had to draw the line somewhere! Should you contact us, we'll either direct you to a preview involving the game in question or give you a brief take on who we like and why we think the team will cover the spread! FREE! This is our way of thanking you for reading, because without you, there'd be no us!

When it comes to covering the spread, we're hear to help!

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